A factory for preparing requests to the WaniKani API, with methods that return a WKRequest that can be used in any HTTP API/Library to make the request.




  • Add additional custom headers to be used in all requests generated by the factory.


    • headers: Record<string, string>

      An object containing HTTP headers and their values.

    Returns this

    The factory, with the added custom headers.

  • Sets a new WaniKani API Revision to use in requests returned by the factory.


    • revision: "20170710"

      The WaniKani API Revision to use.

    Returns this

    The factory, with the newly set WaniKani API Revision.

  • Sets a new WaniKani API Token to use in requests returned by the factory.


    • token: string

      The new WaniKani API Token to use.

    Returns this

    The factory, with the newly set WaniKani API Token.

  • Sets the custom headers for all requests gerated by the factory to those passed to this function, removing any previously set custom headers, and keeping API Revision and Token settings.


    • headers: Record<string, string>

      An object containing HTTP headers and their values.

    Returns this

    The factory, with the only custom headers being those passed to this function.

  • Validates custom-set headers to make sure type checking isn't circumvented.


    • key: string

      The header key, e.g. Accpet or X-Forwarded-For

    • value: string

      The header value, e.g. application/json or

    Returns void

    A TypeError if there is an attempt to improperly set type-checked headers.