Data for assignments returned from the WaniKani API.

interface WKAssignmentData {
    available_at: null | WKDatableString;
    burned_at: null | WKDatableString;
    created_at: WKDatableString;
    hidden: boolean;
    passed_at: null | WKDatableString;
    resurrected_at: null | WKDatableString;
    srs_stage: WKSrsStageNumber;
    started_at: null | WKDatableString;
    subject_id: number;
    subject_type: WKSubjectType;
    unlocked_at: null | WKDatableString;


available_at: null | WKDatableString

When the related subject will be available in the user's review queue.

burned_at: null | WKDatableString

When the user reaches SRS stage 9 the first time.

created_at: WKDatableString

When the assignment was created.

hidden: boolean

Indicates if the associated subject has been hidden, preventing it from appearing in lessons or reviews.

passed_at: null | WKDatableString

When the user reaches SRS stage 5 for the first time.

resurrected_at: null | WKDatableString

When the subject is resurrected and placed back in the user's review queue.

srs_stage: WKSrsStageNumber

The current SRS stage interval. The interval range is determined by the related subject's Spaced Repetition System.

started_at: null | WKDatableString

When the user completes the lesson for the related subject.

subject_id: number

Unique identifier of the associated subject.

subject_type: WKSubjectType

The type of the associated subject, one of: kanji, radical, or vocabulary.

unlocked_at: null | WKDatableString

When the related subjects has its prerequisites satisfied and is made available in lessons.

Prerequisites are:

  • The subject components have reached SRS stage 5 once (they have been “passed”).
  • The user's level is equal to or greater than the level of the assignment’s subject.