Parameters that can be passed to the WaniKani API to filter a request for a Review Statistic Collection.

interface WKReviewStatisticParameters {
    hidden?: boolean;
    ids?: number[];
    page_after_id?: number;
    page_before_id?: number;
    percentages_greater_than?: number;
    percentages_less_than?: number;
    subject_ids?: number[];
    subject_types?: WKSubjectTuple;
    updated_after?: WKDatableString | Date;

Hierarchy (view full)


hidden?: boolean

Return review statistics with a matching value in the hidden attribute.

ids?: number[]

Only resources where matches one of the array values are returned.

page_after_id?: number

Get a collection's next page containing pages.per_page resources after the given ID.

This will take precedence over page_before_id if both are specified.

page_before_id?: number

Get a collection's previous page containing pages.per_page resources before the given ID.

The page_after_id parameter takes precedence over this if it is specified alongside this parameter.

percentages_greater_than?: number

Return review statistics where the percentage_correct is greater than the value.

percentages_less_than?: number

Return review statistics where the percentage_correct is less than the value.

subject_ids?: number[]

Only review statistics where data.subject_id matches one of the array values are returned.

subject_types?: WKSubjectTuple

Only review statistics where data.subject_type matches one of the array values are returned. Valid values are: radical, kanji, or vocabulary.

updated_after?: WKDatableString | Date

Only resources updated after this time are returned.