Available spaced repetition systems used for calculating srs_stage changes to Assignments and Reviews. Has relationship with Subjects.

interface WKSpacedRepetitionSystem {
    data: WKSpacedRepetitionSystemData;
    data_updated_at: WKDatableString;
    id: number;
    object: "spaced_repetition_system";
    url: string;
    code?: undefined;
    error?: undefined;

Hierarchy (view full)


Data for the return Spaced Repetition System.

data_updated_at: WKDatableString

For a resource, this is the last time that particular resource was updated.

id: number

A unique number identifying the Spaced Repetition System.

object: "spaced_repetition_system"

The kind of object returned.

url: string

The URL of the requested resource.

code?: undefined

A resource will never have a code property.

error?: undefined

A resource will never have an error property.