Data found in all study materials whether they are being created/updated, or received from the WaniKani API.
For creating study materials, use WKStudyMaterialCreatePayload; for updating study materials, use WKStudyMaterialUpdatePayload; for study materials received from the API, use WKStudyMaterialData.
Free form note related to the meaning(s) of the associated subject.
Synonyms for the meaning of the subject. These are used as additional correct answers during reviews.
Free form note related to the reading(s) of the associated subject.
Data found in all study materials whether they are being created/updated, or received from the WaniKani API.
For creating study materials, use WKStudyMaterialCreatePayload; for updating study materials, use WKStudyMaterialUpdatePayload; for study materials received from the API, use WKStudyMaterialData.