Data for a user returned from the WaniKani API.

interface WKUserData {
    current_vacation_started_at: null | WKDatableString;
    id: string;
    level: WKLevel;
    preferences: WKUserPreferences;
    profile_url: string;
    started_at: WKDatableString;
    subscription: WKUserSubscription;
    username: string;


current_vacation_started_at: null | WKDatableString

If the user is on vacation, this will be the timestamp of when that vacation started. If the user is not on vacation, this is null.

id: string

A user's unique ID string.

level: WKLevel

The current level of the user. This ignores subscription status.

preferences: WKUserPreferences

User settings specific to the WaniKani application.

profile_url: string

The URL to the user's public facing profile page.

started_at: WKDatableString

The signup date for the user.

subscription: WKUserSubscription

Details about the user's subscription state.

username: string

The user's username.